here is a listing of books that have helped me tremendously, some spark the imagination, others offer technical help.
1. if you are interested in a composting toilet, either for off grid living or an extra bathroom in a traditional home, garage or studio, the humanure handbook is invaluable!
2. efficient home heating made cheap and easy
3. the beautiful and creative homes of owner-builders, a wonderful inspiration for a simple backyard retreat or a full blown 4 season home
4. the title says it all
5. a classic that is amazing to read, it seems as though Thoreau is alive and well now in our times, the problems were the same in his lifetime. this book really makes you think about consumerism and how we are made into sheeple. REQUIRED READING!!!
6. Travel-Trailer Homesteading Under $5,000
7. no, i dont own a boat but i DO run some of my gadgets off of deep cycle batteries. this book is awesome for anyone willing to learn, it's written in laymans terms so i didnt get lost and give up! A+

6. Travel-Trailer Homesteading Under $5,000
7. no, i dont own a boat but i DO run some of my gadgets off of deep cycle batteries. this book is awesome for anyone willing to learn, it's written in laymans terms so i didnt get lost and give up! A+
8. what do we do with this water?
9. A good, basic, organic vegetable gardening book
Another great 12 volt resource book is called "sailboat electrics simplified" by don Casey. He is an expert 12 volt guy and the explainations combined with pictures were great. Cmbinedwith the 12 volt bible, there should beno other book you will need to buy for electrical questions.